Manhattan Beach, CA — Time on The Strand

Sometime in mid-2016 we decided to travel for a year. It was discussed and discussed amongst ourselves and friends. At the end of all that we determined it was something we just wanted to do.
OK, so I may have missed a step. In late 2015 we received a major cash infusion (and immediate unemployment) from a liquidity event at a biotech startup that I’d been with for a while which made it all a bit more palatable. But it was still a big life change that required a lot of thought. And then a lot of planning. But that is all behind us now so we won’t belabor those details. You know how it worked out.
We decided that Shawn would need some time to wind down her psychology practice so we wouldn’t embark until January 2018. It was early 2017, but we were still kind of in denial that it was really going to happen. In late spring, June Emerson told us that if we wanted to sell our house in Agoura by the end of the year, we’d better put it on the market right away. So we did and it sold in a week. It turned out to be superb advice.
So we closed on our house in August, packed our stuff in two giant storage units, and then Leslie Chalmers magically hooked us up with Dr. John and Carol Stratton – owners of 2404 The Strand, other wise known as THE Patio™️. Surrounded by three story mega-mansions, it’s one of the last cottages left on The Strand. Built in the 20’s (I think), its 1,000 square feet happily retain that eras character and charm. And it’s on the best part of the beach. The best waves are there. Incredible volleyball right out front by some of the best players including, by my observation, at least two Olympic Gold medalists and an NBA MVP.
I went to meet with Carol within hours after Leslie hooked us up and signed a lease through December 31 (the Stratton’s would later graciously allow us to extend a month after we realized it would be idiotic to try and move during the holidays). Shawn had a lot of questions since she hadn’t seen it, but I assured her it would be OK. Easy promise to keep.
The Strand is a magic place. All day long the promenade rolls on by. It’s the social hub of the South Bay. Everyone runs into everyone on The Strand. Great looking people. Even better looking dogs. And for the most part, everyone is smiling.
Between the picket fence and the Pacific Ocean lie a walking path, a bike path and about150 yards of perfect beach. The ocean is mesmerizing. Always different. Always awesome. And every evening the sun sets right out the front window. Having good friends over for wine, cheese and a front row seat to an ocean sunset never gets old. Super addictive.
Over the past 6 months Shawn and I have experienced Manhattan Beach in the best way. Our fall and winter was 97% sun. Paraphrasing an SNL parody of LaVar Ball – “nevva not sunny, nevva”. Terrific events as well. The Ladies Sunset Cocktail Party, Hometown Fair, Bars on Bikes, the “kids come home from college ‘epic’ – per Grant Chalmers – day before Thanksgiving party”, Christmas Pier Lighting Festival, Holiday Fireworks (that one is particularly good – especially when its 75 degrees at 8:00pm). Did you know that Santa cruises the streets of Manhattan Beach in a fully decked out sled pulled by a truck and stops on pretty much every street with spot lights so you can sit with your family and friends and take photos?

I did not know that.

And just a ton of great days, playing beach tennis, stand up paddling, riding bikes to PV, Venice and mostly just on the Strand. Also so fun running into old friends we hadn’t seen in a long time. Perhaps the best part was just hanging out on The Patio at sunset eating the very best cheese plates from the Shawnee the “CheeseMaster” herself.
But before we knew it, our embarkation date of February 1 quickly approached. The Walsh’s had us over for an awesome bon voyage dinner in Agoura. And the Chalmers honored us with an “over the top” bon voyage extravaganza in MB. So strange to get so much attention for just going on a long vacation. But we felt the love and appreciated it to the core.
Sold our cars (well, not the Porsche) and packed the rest of our belongings in our storage units. A couple more amazing sunsets on The Patio, and before we knew it we were “ubering” to LAX at 12:30am on Feb. 1 for the red-eye to Miami and then Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos. We each have a suitcase (49.9 lbs each) and a Brompton bike. Not sure how the bikes are going to work out, but they seem like a good idea right now!
Out for now, but hope to have a full report while “breezin on” from Grand Turk.